car in the rain

Weather you experience true monsoon or just get a ton of rain where you live, you probably have noticed the way the rain impact your car. To limit the damage done by rainwater, here are some things you can do during the rain season, so your cars stays in the best condition possible and doesn’t suffer because of the rain too much.

There are couple of things that happen to your car during a monsoon. Firstly, since monsoon essentially is rain, rain and more rain, it will definitely rise traffic jams and therefore your commute will become much slower. Haven’t you heard someone say, that as soon as it rains, people forget how to drive. Well it is true, so expect traffic in the rain season. But other than traffic congestion the rain water also tends to cause increased rusting, corrosion and paint damage to your car, since during a monsoon the moisture levels are very high and stay that way for quite some time. So if you want to prevent this, then here are some tips on how you can do that.

The first and foremost thing you should do is to prevent the rusting and corrosion on your car, since this is the biggest damage that the rain water does to your car and the hardest to repair. Rust happens when metal comes into contact with water, and since the largest amount of water affects the underside of your car, it will show signs of rust first. To prevent this you can apply a special corrosion treatment to the underside of your car, because it adds a protective layer to it and therefore doesn’t let the rusts start damaging your car. Additionally I would suggest to keep your car in a dry and well-ventilated place not out on the street, so the car encounter less water and therefore will rust slower.


The second part is to protect the paint of your car. Rainwater is known to have certain acidic components to it that damages the car’s paint, so it is important to prevent that. How you can do it is to apply a special treatment to the top side of your car, which will stop the rainwater from damaging your paint job. The second thing you can do is to wash your car regularly during the rainy season to get rid of the acidic components and let it dry off in a dry space like garage or under a tent. This will limit how much of the paint eating chemicals stay on our car and eat at your paint job.

And lastly to also keep the interior of your car in pristine condition, you should properly clean it, too. Don’t just shake out the car mats and wipe down the front panel, but also clean the seat covers and make sure the mats and the seats have a chance to dry if you accidentally get water on them when you are getting in or out of the car. This will prevent mold from forming on them and will also keep hem smelling nice an fresh.

Billy Miller
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