Sometimes your day takes a huge toll on your body and it needs to get refreshed. Sleep is often the body’s attempt at improving your vitality. But it could do so at the some of the oddest time possible. Like when you are driving. This could be quite dangerous since it puts your life those of the occupants of your vehicle and other road users in danger.

Also, typical of all routine tasks you can think of, driving can be a bore! Doing the same thing every time is certainly not what you would consider interesting. And your body appreciates this and often decides that’s the best time for a nap without recourse to how dangerous it is. Weird! However, the probability of this happening increases when you don’t get enough sleep.

The big question is: How do you stay alert while driving? We have provided some tips which could delay your resting period while at the wheel.

Take Coffee

Stimulants have been known to improve alertness and this is what you need when you’re at the wheel. Driving is a complex activity which demands your best judgment and quick response especially when you are on a busy road. Drowsiness which is a common sign of being sleepy can leave you making poor decisions and the aftermath is often unpleasant. Coffee can be of immense help. It contains the caffeine which is a stimulant which can be obtained naturally or synthesized. The mechanism behind the effectiveness of caffeine in disrupting your sleep is rather straightforward. A biological molecule in the body called Adenosine is known to induce sleep. It acts by clinging to its specialized receptor. Caffeine, when ingested, binds to this receptor preventing you from falling asleep. The effect wears off within a few hours. This is due to its rather brief half-life. So, if you intend taking coffee to avoid sleeping while at the wheel, ensure you wouldn’t be driving for a long time. Also, if you take coffee on a regular basis, it is not as effective since your body becomes tolerant to the biochemical substance.

Utilize the Night before that Trip

This is the most efficient approach if you intend staying awake while driving. Using coffee has its numerous side-effects and it might not be of any help if you take it on a routine basis. Sleeping for as much as 8 hours the night before your trip should be enough to keep you alert regardless of how boring your time at the wheel might be. Research has shown that sleeping fewer hours increases the probability of dozing off while driving. You certainly don’t want that. For improved alertness at the wheel the very next day, have some sleep the night before that trip and you won’t regret it.

Watch What You Eat

Just like stimulants can help increase alertness, certain diets are renowned for their ability to induce sleep. Cherries, for instance, are rich in a biological substance called melatonin. This hormonal compound is known to promote sleep. Apparently, if you want to avoid sleeping while driving, avoid cherries! Restrain from taking dishes made from fishes and other sea creatures; they contain another sleep-inducing chemical called tryptophan. A healthy meal is all you need to ensure you have all the energy you need for your time at the wheel.

Your orexin cells which are produced by the hypothalamus play a vital role in metabolism. They make you active while regulating the input of your parasympathetic system. Sugar-rich meals are a no-no if you intend staying awake. Why? They inhibit the actions of the orexin cells. The result is a sleep-inducing effect. Protein-rich foods would do just fine. They not only promote the activity of these cells but also help your body in its tissue repairs. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

Take a Break If You Can

Okay, you didn’t get to sleep at all the night before and you’re feeling the heat. Take a nap. A 30-minute sleep could help restore your mental state and improve your level of alertness. If it’s a long distance trip, multiple naps might be needed. Yes, it might increase the time spent on the entire trip but it is worth it especially when you consider what an accident can cost you.

Music Can Help

You are more likely to fall asleep when the surrounding is quiet. Playing some of the favorite tunes is one way of staying awake. This should have you singing along while reducing the probability of you dozing off. Frankly, any music above 120 beats per minute should be enough to keep you awake. Classical and Hip-hop are some of the many musical choices open to you. However, avoid slow music like a flea unless you looking for a lullaby of some sort.

Chew Gum

Your body would often experience the need to sleep in the absence of a suitable distraction. Driving is a boring task which increases the urge to sleep. Chewing gum is one way of retaining your attention. It keeps your mouth moving preventing you from dozing off. However, don’t opt for those rich in sugar. It could worsen the situation you are facing increasing the odds of you falling asleep.

Avoid Alcohol

No doubts you have heard the popular warning: don’t drink and drive. This statement remains relevant not only due to the repercussions of drunk driving but because alcohol induces sleep. If you didn’t get enough sleep the night before your trip, the result is much worse. Tasting a little alcohol can make you feel drowsy and lose concentration. This could put your life and others around at risk. And there is also the decision of your insurance provider to worry about.

In conclusion, having enough sleep before you drive is probably the best decision you can make. It gives you the freedom to eat anything and not have to worry about dozing off at the wheel. Why would you want to jeopardize that?

Billy Miller
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